The words LIVE LIFE LOVE LIFT is what our brand embodies. 

Every day we're alive, but not everyone is living a life they truly love. We want to help people feel the love through connecting with others in our own communities and across the globe. We do so by sharing our love in designing fashionable, functional, lifestyle activewear.

My name is Kri Chay, the founder of LIVE LIFE LOVE LIFT. While in San Francisco attending a fitness seminar in 2015, I was inspired by all the attendees and speakers during the event, talking about the word and idea of "branding" of fitness and just overall products and services as a whole. 

So I left the seminar early and sat outside at a coffee shop outside Stanford University, sipping on some coffee and people watching. 

I was observing all the college students just walking around between classes and some were seated near me and studying.

And then these four words hit me... LIVE LIFE LOVE LIFT. 

To feel our best; in our own skin and in our own minds, we need to all be and stay healthy. 

The people who were smiling and having a great day were the ones who, to me, were the ones who looked more healthy. 

I wanted to create a brand that mixed working out (LIFT) and living a healthy, active lifestyle, and that's how I came up with those four words.

Fitness is more than working out. It's about camaraderie, teamwork, family, friendship, exercise, physical and mental health. 

The short name for LIVE LIFE LOVE LIFT is "4L", which represents the first four letters of the brand, and is our official logo.

I hope you enjoy our collection of items. They range from crazy, sexy, cool, funny, to fashionable, to functional for fitness and every day lifestyle activewear.

If you have any questions about anything or have ideas on some cool new products, just let me know!!

Who loves ya? :)

** Here is a picture of myself and my beautiful daughter Keyo Chay.